What would you do without your important electronics?

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

I just read a post by somebody that was about televisions going missing and it made me wonder what people would do if we woke up one morning and all our electronics stopped working. Computers, cell phones, televisions. Anything that connects us to other people in a world that relies on communicating to people who are not actually within talking distance. I think the world as a whole would be facing serious problems, like stock market crashes and what not. But I am wondering what you would do and what you think would happen?

1 comentarios:

Doris Molero dijo...

Oh, my god!!!! we will go crazy and died because it will be so boring!!!! Now, seriously ... That will be a disaster.. everything will stop... schools, hospitals, traffic lights... imagine Maracaibo without traffic lights.

Keep on shining!